▋張清淵 教授級專業技術人員(兼任所長)
1988~1991藝術創作碩士(M.F.A.) 美國工藝家學校(School for American Craftsmen)羅徹斯特學院(Rochester Institute of Technology)
1997~現在專任教授 國立臺南藝術大學 應用藝術研究所
2006客座教授 美國密蘇里州立大學哥倫比亞分校
2001客座教授 美國密蘇里州立大學哥倫比亞分校
2000訪問學者 美國紐約州羅徹斯特學院
1992-1993年度最傑出藝術家獎 美國 馬利蘭州 州政府 藝術部
1990-1991家藝術部(N.E.A.)研究基金 連獲馬利蘭州巴爾第摩陶瓷藝術中心羅敏納徹特研究金兩年
Born in 1960, Taiwan, Ching Yuan Chang is the Professor and the Chair of the Graduate Institute of Apply Arts of the Tainan National University of the Arts since 1997.Chang received his MFA(Ceramic And Ceramic Sculpture) from School from The School of the American Craftsman, RIT in 1991, Chang had received Lormina Salter Residency Fellowships from Baltimore Clayworks MD 1990-1992 Supported in part by Maryland State Art Council, Baltimore, MD and the Individual Artists Grant in the Visual Arts” Maryland State Art Council, Baltimore in 1992. As an IAC and NCECA member, Chang had exhibited his sculptures and functional ceramics nationally and internationally.